The best way to make a positive first impression with a potential employer is by creating an impressive and high-quality resume (and cover letter). Your resume is your chance to highlight your strengths, qualifications, and previous experiences in a succinct and complementary way.

We’ve created a simple step-by-step guide to creating a professional and quality resume that will help you stand out from the crowd:
Choose a format and style:
The most popular resume format is in reverse chronological order, this means listing your latest job position and qualifications you have worked first and working backwards through previous job experience. For corporate sector jobs it’s good to keep the style formal and simple whereas a creative resume style is good for industries like design or technology. To be safe, keep it simple!
Pick a suitable layout:
Ideally you want your resume to be no more than 2 pages, with clear headings that are cohesive throughout the page, written in an easy to read font like Arial or Helvetica in 10-12 point for body text and 13-14 for headings and always remember to save your resume in a PDF format once you’ve thoroughly proof-read it.
Contact Information:
Perhaps the most important information to include on your resume is your contact details! I.e your name, number, email address, location etc. Double check your details are all correct and clearly typed near the top of the page.
Create a summary/introduction:
This is where you get to make an excellent first impression on your potential employer. Your resume summary/introduction should introduce who you are, a brief description of your work experience and qualifications, why you’re interested in the job role and what your professional goals are.
List your work experience, education, and qualifications:
The body section of your resume should outline your past work experience i.e the company/business name location and description, the time period you worked there, your role and any work-related achievements with numerical data where applicable. Under this section you can include your education level, your qualifications and any other relevant achievements or awards that you feel would impress your potential employer.
Emphasis your skillset
It's important to include a section on your professional and personal skill set that convey how you’d be the best candidate for the job position. Include technical skills that relate to the job position, personal attributes that will benefit you in the role and, universal skills that you believe will be necessary in the job role.
Tailor your resume for each application!
It’s obviously tempting to send out the same resume with each application – especially if you’ve already spent hours crafting key selection criteria responses and a great cover letter. But, don’t get caught out.
Don’t forget a cover letter!
Most people forget this step - in the modern era of hiring potential employees it’s imperative to include a well-presented cover letter to accompany your resume. An easy format to follow when composing a cover letter is to start with an introduction; give a brief explanation of yourself, your work experience and qualifications. Next, explain why you think you’d excel at the job you’re applying for; include descriptions of how you’d fulfill the main requirements of the job. Lastly, include a short conclusion and thank your potential employer for their time reading your cover letter and resume.
Proofread your resume
Proofreading is an essential step for all job seekers al every professional level, your resume is your calling card
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